"Get rid of anything that isn't absolutely essential"

"Get rid of anything that isn't absolutely essential"

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Chain Link Fence

... Oh no where are we!?! I don't know! All I remember is the attack at Bunker Teddy and it went all quiet. Oh no! I think we're in jail! Oh no! How do we get out!?! We can dig out. How? We can use our spoons from the mac & cheese! I'll go get'em! OK!... HERE THEY ARE! Here's one for you... OUCH!!! You hit me with your spoon! Sorry! Your finger got in my way! This is taking too long. Lets climb over! Ok! You first. No you first. Ok. *grunt* made it, now you! *grunt* this is too high! I can't! I'll just go through the gate and pretend I climbed over. Ok. Now what? Lets trick the guards in and lock them in!!! OK!! How? I don't know. It was your Idea. Um... Lets put the macaroni next to the tree and when the guards eat it we can lock them in!!! Ok! I'll go get the maca... #CHARLIE! GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW FOR YOUR BATH!# Oh man! I'll see you later Steve... ...Hey Charlie how was your bath? It was wet and horrible, I, HATE, BATHS!!! Oh. Now what? Lets pretend that the fence is our CASTLE!!! YEAH!!! hehehe What? I just thought of the funniest thing *BANG* wha- wha- wha- wha-what did you say, Mmmm whatch say, Ooh that you only menat well?......

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